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Since 2013, students from rural communities have earned certificates, diplomas and 4 year degrees in nearly 50 different disciplines at as many universities and trade or tech schools across Kenya. The Nobelity Project has now sponsored grants for over 100 students to jumpstart college careers. 

In 2022, The Nobelity Project formed an exclusive agreement with DeKUT to streamline the program for long term sustainability.

Every year, The Nobelity Project and Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) offer scholarships to top scoring students from each of our five partner high schools to study at DeKUT. 

As of 2024, 75% of scholarship graduates are employed in the fields in which they studied.

"Dear Nobelity Project Team,  the time is finally here, I am thrilled to share the exciting news that I have graduated with upper-class honors in Bsc software engineering! This achievement wouldn't have been possible without The Nobelity Project's generous support and belief in me. The scholarship has been instrumental to reaching this milestone. I am truly grateful for your unwavering support throughout my academic journey. I am very ready to continue serving the world with my software skills and look for new exciting opportunities that the world has to offer. Special thanks to Madam Beatrice who has walked with me day and night ensuring [this] has been smooth, deliberate and an exciting experience.

It feels so nice to finish."

- Alex, BSC Software Engineering


Send a 1st generation college student to Dedan Kimathi University in Kenya! Your support covers tuition, laptops, on-campus housing, meals, books and other college expenses. 




Acturial Science

Agriculture Education

Architectural Studies

Arts And Gender Studies


Biomedical Science

Broadcast Journalism

Building and Construction

Business and Front Office

Cellular and Molecular Biology

Certified Public Accountant


Civil Engineering

Clinical Medicine


Community Health

Cosmetology, Hairdressing/Beauty

Economics and Statistics

Education in Arts and Sciences

Electrical Engineering

Environmental Physics

Exercise, Sport and Nutrition

Fashion Design and Interiors

Financial Economics

Health and Information Tech

Human Resource Management

Industrial Chemistry

Information Technology

Journalism and Media

Land Resource Planning

Math and Computer Science

Motor Vehicle Mechanics

Music Production


Peace and Conflict Resolution


Polymer Chemistry

Security Studies and Criminology

Software Engineering

Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality


Renewable Energies

Wood Science and Industrial Processes



Amboseli Institute of Hospitality

Chuka University

Co-Operative University

Consolata School Of Nursing

Daystar Universit

Dedan Kimathi University

Egerton University

Eldoret University

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga

Jomo Kenyatta University

Kabarak University

Kagumo Teachers College

Kaimosi Friends University

Karatina University

Kenya Institute Of Mass Comm.

Kenya Methodist University

Kenya Technical Training College

Kenyatta University

Kiambu Institute

Kirinyaga University

Kisii University

Kenya Medical Training College

Laikipia Technical and Vocational

Laikipia University

Maasai Mara University

Management University of Africa

Maseno University

Masinde Murillo University

Mathenge Technical Institute

Milestone Institute

Mountain Top College

Mt. Kenya University

Murang'a University of Tech

Nairobi University

Nazarene University

NIBS Technical College

Nyeri National Polytechnic

Othaya Teacher’s College

Othaya Youth Polytechnic

Outspan Medical College

Overflow Technical Institute

Rukira Technical Institute

Taita Taveta University

Technical University of Mombasa

University of Embu 

University of Kabianga

Zetech University

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